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REAPER(音频录制编辑) v6.06 绿色便携版

  • 分类:音频处理
  • 大小:34.6M
  • 语言: 英文
  • 环境: WinAll, WinXP
  • 更新:2024-07-19
  • 评级:
  • 系统: Windows Linux Mac Ubuntu
  • 软件类别: 国产软件 / 免费软件 / 音频处理
  • 插件情况:
  • 相关链接: http://www.cockos.com/reaper/feat-ss.php

一款音频录制和编辑软件。支持DirectX/VST plug-ins 和ASIO驱动,VSTi乐器等。

v3.62 - June 19 2010
+ API: fixed GetIconThemeStruct() offsets that had changed in 3.6
+ JS: optimized tan(), fixed tan() on OSX/i386

v3.61 - June 18 2010
+ Action: duplicate selected items, duplicate selected area of selected items
+ API: export ApplyNudge function
+ Envelope lanes: display envelope value in envelope lane control panel
+ Envelope lanes: more consistent behavior of slider in trim/read mode
+ Envelope lanes: respect user preference to not arm envelopes automatically when adding
+ Envelopes: enable visual feedback from hidden envelopes by default
+ Envelopes: user preference to enable writing automation to hidden envelopes
+ Envelopes: more consistent behavior of action to add 4 envelope points at time selection
+ Envelopes: preference for double-click to edit the envelope point (vs adding or resetting a point)
+ Timestretch: low quality windowed mode quality fixes
+ Menus: fullscreen mode and always-on-top moved from Options to View menu
+ MIDI editor: action to set or insert CC event at mouse (double-click)
+ Nudge/Set: window opens on startup if it was open when REAPER was last closed
+ Nudge: account for take play rate when snapping contents to grid
+ OSX: AU PDC fix
+ OSX: graphics optimizations and drawing glitch fixes
+ Scrollbars: drawing improvements when UI scaling or Windows scrollbar scaling is used
+ VST: fixed automation recording with certain plug-ins

v3.60 - June 10 2010
+ Transport: show editable playback tempo and time signature
+ Transport: mousewheel adjust play rate, tempo, selection start/end/length
+ Transport: alt+mousewheel to adjust time selection by beats
+ Transport: mousewheel over time selection length to move the entire selection
+ Transport: theme images for BPM tap-tempo button (transport_bpm, transport_bpm_bg)
+ Transport: theme images for playspeed and selection edit fields (transport_group_bg, transport_edit_bg)
+ Transport: theme images for status box (transport_status, transport_status_err)
+ Nudge/Set: move items by precise time/beat/sample/frame/selection units
+ Nudge/Set: move cursor or copy items by precise units
+ Nudge/Set: actions to nudge left/right by last nudge dialog settings
+ Nudge/Set: actions to save/recall up to 8 configurations (assign to shortcuts or toolbars)
+ OSX: much faster graphics updating (thank you, Apple, for your fantastic documentation)
+ OSX: better edit cursor displays (matches Windows)
+ OSX: fixed mouse option for mousewheel to target window with focus
+ OSX: menu shortcut display support for control key modifier, other special keys
+ OSX: faster configuration file access
+ OSX: fixed action to reset all MIDI devices crashing on some MIDI devices
+ OSX: default text drawing is now faster
+ Accessibility: expose basic track, envelope, transport control to screen readers via MSAA
+ Action: go to marker 11-30
+ Action: reset soft takeover for all MIDI controller assignments
+ Action: unselect all tracks, items, and envelope points
+ Action: adjust all tempo markers at once by various units
+ API: added GetMasterTrack
+ Batch converter: better support for unicode filenames
+ Custom menus: much faster import of menus and menu sets
+ Envelope control panels: respect global UI scaling preference
+ Export: automatically prevent trim/convert on REX and video files
+ FX browser: renaming item preserves selection, and resorts
+ Keyboard entry: preference to disable applying typed-in edit changes after 1 second (in some places)
+ Keyboard entry: cancel changes on escape, commit changes on tab or enter key (in some places)
+ Media explorer: action to show source properties for current media preview (right-click preview display)
+ Media explorer: unload stopped preview media if user preference is to offline media when switching away
+ MIDI editor: fixed grid snapping when project contains odd-length time signature changes
+ MIDI editor: action to toggle locking MIDI item to fixed tempo, or follow project tempo changes
+ MIDI editor: fixed grid snapping, note insert length when MIDI is locked to a fixed tempo
+ MIDI editor: optimized edit cursor display
+ MIDI editor: update toolbar step sequencer buttons on enable/disable
+ MIDI file writing: more compatible ASCII conversion for some UTF characters
+ MIDI file writing: new option to write text events as UTF-8 (preferences/media/MIDI)
+ MIDI items: fixed source properties reported media item length
+ Mixer: show MIDI hardware outputs in send/hardware output list (themable: mcp_sendlist_midihw)
+ ReaEQ, ReaDelay, ReaPitch, ReaXcomp: correct automation behavior when adding/removing bands
+ ReaScript: x64 Python support
+ Relative snap: fixed occasional reset of item snap offset
+ Selection sets: actions to save/load up to 10 sets of item selections
+ Solo defeat: receives are always audible even if source tracks have sibling solo
+ Startup: faster
+ Tempo: more efficient rebuilding of complex project tempo maps when adjusting tempo quickly
+ Tempo: better multithreaded time map access (faster tempo information delivery to plugins)
+ Tempo: tap tempo creates only one undo point
+ Time selection: preferences to clear time selection and/or loop points by clicking ruler or arrange view
+ Tooltips: fixed occasional stuck tooltip on certain mouse movements
+ Tooltips: many tooltips now also appear in main info box
+ Tooltips: simplified tooltips that appear when moving media items
+ Trim behind items: support toggling on/off within custom actions
+ Video: added "Video window follows edits" setting in Prefs>Media>Video
+ Video: muted items, muted tracks are not displayed
+ Video-FFmpeg: added YV12 and YUY2 colorspace decoding support (makes video decoding faster)
+ Video-FFmpeg: bundled OSX versions are now 10.4+ compatible
+ Video-FFmpeg: improved video frame display when seeking during playback
+ Winamp visualization plug-ins: default option to disable WA plug-ins completely
+ Winamp visualization plug-ins: various bug fixes
+ Windows: fixed file open issues on pre-XP operating systems


